So, we are half way through 2022 and I thought it would be a good idea to reflect back at what the year has meant for my website.

I don’t expect you to read this post, its more for me to reflect on and track my progress for the last half of the year, but, if you want to read it, here are the things I will be looking at;

I believe that it is important for me to be honest when publishing content, and I feel one of the best ways to do that is to be brutally honest about the performance of my brand as a whole.

Personally, the numbers mean nothing to me, I am just doing what I like doing, and of people want to read it, then why not let them.

So without further delay lets begin the review.

Most Viewed Post

This has been the most viewed post published this year on my site. Published on June 13th 2022 the post has 30 views.

Least Viewed Post

Perhaps not surprisingly this is the least viewed post of the year so far with 8 views, but for context, it has only been out for 7 days. I find content that is focused outside of the UK tends to perform poorly compared to content that features the UK.

My Favourite Post

This post about Southwest Airlines was my personal favourite to write this year. The whole vibe around the flights and the interactions with the Social Media Teams made this a fun post to write and one that I still look at in editor mode regularly.

New Pages Launched This Year

This year I decided to make a new section to the website dedicated to helping people find out more details about flights abroad. The page called “Destinations” allows a reader to view all the countries they can fly to from Glasgow, before showing them the specific destinations and flight details.

I chose Glasgow as it is my closest airport and is also where a large portion of my readership is based.

Affiliate Deals and Performance

This year I have signed up to be affiliated with three different companies;

  • Balkan Holidays
  • Transavia
  • Vueling

These three companies have been chosen as they serve Glasgow and destinations I think my audience would visit.

At the time of writing I have not made any money from these programmes, but I will continue to work with them until I decide otherwise.

Overall Views for the Year

870 views so far this year, an increase of 15% on last year.

Plans for The Rest of the Year

Honestly, I don’t have any. Probably a few train journeys in the UK, but nothing is confirmed.

I am meant to be going to Portugal in a few weeks, but I currently have Covid so I haven’t came up with any plans for content with that trip.

I will be working through my photos from this year to try and write more destination guides.

At an absolute push I may try and work with more companies to try and reach a wider audience but this is probably not going to happen.


I have included a feedback form that can be used to leave a review and suggestions for the rest of the year. Feel free to use it and leave your suggestions.

I wont share your details with anybody and once I have noted your feedback I will remove your details.

Please rate our website(required)

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