I know very few people have ever asked this question, but I feel it’s important to be honest about this sort of thing. Some people want to start their own website or brand, so I want to share the costs behind mine.

This post will outline my costs for 2022, including website costs and brand related travel expenses (I’ll outline more details later).

These costs will change as the brand grows, and will be slightly different for everyone.

What costs are included for 2022?

For 2022, the following brand related items were purchased, the price is shown in brackets beside each item.

  • Website (£36)
  • Website Domain (£15)
  • Business Cards x1000 (£33.76)
  • Branded Travel Mug (£17.58)
  • Branded Notepad x2 (£9.91)
  • WTM2022 Travel & Accommodation (£569.00)

Therefore, the total costs of my brand was £681.25.

I know some people will not include the travel to WTM2022, however, I have included it as I was there representing the brand as a member of the media.

What should I pay for?

I would say the minimum you should pay for is a website and a domain name. Having full control of these is important so you can get what you want from them.

Not every brand needs them, but mine are effective.

Other expenses are optional, for example the business cards I ordered are ideal for more formal settings such as interviews, or for giving to friends to share.

Do I regret starting the brand?

Nope, it can be a challenge at some points, but I love this brand and the community that is is building.

It has opened doors for me and has helped me improve my writing skills, and has given me focus for what I want to do after graduating university this summer.

Should I start my own brand?

If you have an idea and a plan then go for it, you never know what will happen once you hit publish for the first time.

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