How many views have we received in 2023?

Thanks to a regular post schedule, the first quarter of 2023 was busier than ever. Across the three month quarter we received 521 views, an increase of 19.5% on 2022. I have included a monthly breakdown of the quarter below for anyone that is interested.

  • January – 201 (+3%)
  • February – 101 (+225.8%)
  • March – 219 (+4.3%)

Most viewed post published in Q1

Our most viewed post that has been published this year was also a first for us as it was our first review of an international coach journey.

As this post has done well, we will explore other options to write more of these style of posts in the future.

Favourite post to write?

This post was my favourite to write as it was able to do something no other post has done.

This post was able to change my opinion on the economy service provided by Lufthansa. I went into this flight with low expectations, however, I was more than satisfied with the service provided.

What to expect over the coming three months?

Later this month I will be travelling to both Poland and Czech Republic. On this trip I should be able to get some more rail and city guide content.

I will also be going to both Iceland and Canada where I will be able to get a significant amount of content. Some of the content from this trip will be posted in late June, with the rest coming in July and August.

Will we make any changes to our content?

Yes, we will be making changes to our city guide content. We changed the style of these posts to a more Q&A style content as we felt this would be more appropriate for this style of post.

However, we have made a decision having looked at the performance of our Ljubljana and Zagreb posts. We will revert back to our original style of post in our next post.

Can we leave suggestions on what content you should post?

Yes, I would love to hear your suggestions on what content you would like to see. There are two ways you can do this. The first option is to send us an email to:

Alternatively, you can use the contact form below to leave your suggestions for us to read and consider.

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