Cast your mind back to this time last year, airports were on the news for chaotic scenes and trains across the UK seemed to always be on strike. Look forward to today, airports are much better prepared, and rail services across Scotland are no longer on strike.

Despite this, people will understandably be apprehensive about travelling, especially those who have not travelled since before the pandemic.

I am lucky that I have been able to travel extensively by rail and air in the last 16 months, so I want to share with you some advice for this summer to hopefully make your experience a good one.

1. Arrive On-Time

I know it is tempting to turn up five hours before a flight or an hour before your train, but it simply is not necessary, and can in most cases make the queues you fear worse.

If you arrive too early you will find that check-in will not have opened yet and you will just be taking up space in the terminal. If you are travelling from Scotland I have included links to information for airline check-in opening times below;

If you are travelling by rail from either Glasgow or Edinburgh I would recommend arriving at the station approximately 30 minutes before departure if you have bags, or 20 minutes before if you do not.

2. Only Pack What You Really Need

If you are packing for a one week trip and pack twenty t-shirts, why? Overpacking is surprisingly common and just makes you trip way more stressful than it needs to be.

Think about what you would wear on an average day at home and pack that for each day. Plus if you are going on a city break and you realise you forgot something, just pick it up in your destination.

Remember that rules on what you can take into the EU have changed since Brexit, so double check the Government website before packing items such as food. Your duty-free allowance when returning home has changed so ask staff in the duty free shop about your allowance.

3. Don’t Be an Idiot

When a member of staff tell you to join a queue, don’t argue, just follow their instructions. Remember, these staff do this job every day and know it better than you. Something that may seem logical isn’t always the best way, or even possible in some cases.

The night before you leave, do a check to see you have everything – you would be surprised the number of times people get to the airport and realise they don’t have their passports.

When travelling, drink responsibly for your own safety, and to ensure those around you have a good experience as well – remember that final drink could be the difference between travelling and being removed from the flight.

4. Be Respectful

When the cabin crew say hello, say it back to them.

When you are talking to a member of on train staff say hello and co-operate with them. Sadly it seems people are getting more aggressive towards on train staff and assaults seem to be rising, don’t be that guy.

Remember when you are on a plane people are travelling for a number of different reasons, you might be flying to Lisbon for a holiday, but the person next to you might be travelling to visit family for the first time in five years. They don’t want the flight to be delayed because you cannot follow instructions or act in a civilised manor.

When in a foreign country, remember that although it might be cheap for you, it usually isn’t that cheap for the locals. Don’t be that person running about screaming how cheap it is infront of those who live there.

5. Enjoy Yourself

Remember above all else to enjoy yourself, you have earned the holiday so deserve it.

Turn off your work phone, don’t answer uni emails and if somebody you don’t really like messages you ignore it, you are only holiday after all.

If you want to share everything on social media then do it, if you want to disconnect from the online world then feel free, it is your holiday, meaning its your choice.

6. Start Reading My Practical Guides

Starting June 2nd 2023 I will release a new practical guide to something travel related as part of my attempts to break down barriers to travel.

If you have no idea where to start with planning then hopefully these will help you navigate your way through the minefield that is the travel industry.

7. Useful Documents For You

Below is a useful list for those travelling by air. It is the list I use before travelling to ensure I have everything I need before flying. Print a copy or save it to your device for future reference.

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