It does not feel like it was a year ago I was sitting here writing this post for 2022, however, here we are.

The last 12 months have been exceptional for us as a brand, with growth in both readership and in content types covered. From an increase in opinion pieces, a new series on our site that covers aviation news and a new statistical breakdown for Scotland’s four busiest airports.

With that in mind, lets get started, you can use the menu below to jump to a specific area.

  1. 2023 Visitors and Views
  2. Most Viewed Post
  3. Least Viewed Post
  4. Favourite Post
  5. Least Favourite Post
  6. Best Place I Visited in 2023
  7. Best Flight of 2023
  8. Best Train Journey
  9. What Does 2024 Look Like?

2023 Visitors and Views

2023 was our busiest year in terms of content production and viewers to our website. Below is our breakdown of statistics for 2023 and how they compared to our 2022 results.

  • Website Views – 3,709 (68.59+%)
  • Unique Website Viewers – 2,176 (94.29%)
  • International Views – 1,109 (122.24%)
  • Top International countries – USA, Belgium, Ireland, Canada & Germany

Most Viewed Post

Our most viewed post of this year was one of our opinion pieces, specifically our “OPINION: GLA Is Down But Certainly Not Out” post. In this post I outlined the changes that have occurred to Glasgow Airport, and how it is losing market share to Edinburgh Airport, and what I would like to see destinations wise to help it regain some of its market share.

To add to this post I am planning a small number of follow up posts, highlighting key areas that I believe need to be fixed that will assist with the points raised.

Least Viewed Post

I will say it now, this post was actually only released as I had nothing else to write about that week. The post I am alluding to is “Practical Guide to Booking Flights”.

Favourite Post

My Favourite post by a long way is my review of the Ceske Drahy sleeper service from Warsaw to Pardubice, mainly because it shows how even an experienced traveller can make very basic mistakes, and that no part of the journey was relaxing.

If you have not read it, take some time to check it out below.

Least Favourite Post

If I am honest, I was not a big fan of writing about my worst travel experience, mainly because I think I just got really unlucky with other passengers and the crew. I think if I had came back on any other flight I would have had a much better experience.

Best Place I Visited in 2023

Tough choice this one, which is why I have not picked one, but two destinations.

My first choice is Ljubljana, Slovenia, which in my opinion is one of the best capital cities in Europe. From friendly locals, to a relaxed atmosphere in the city, you will be able to enjoy a relaxing weekend here, but you may need to fly via a hub airport such as Frankfurt or Munich in order to get there.

Downtown Ljubljana taken from a bridge over the river.
Ljubljana City Centre looks great in the morning most.

My second choice is Calgary, Canada. If I am honest I was not sure what to expect from Calgary. My experience of North American cities is that they are a crowded and not particularly pedestrian friendly. Calgary was neither of these.

Everything was accessible, and there was plenty of opportunities to walk to wherever you wanted to go, plus it was pretty quiet when I was there. If you have the chance to visit I would really recommend doing so.

Calgary skyline view taken from the river walk.
Calgary Skyline from the River Walk

Best Flight of 2023

This was an easy one, any of my four Icelandair flights take this crown, but I am going to specifically single out flight FI431 from Glasgow to Reykjavik. The main reason for this was the cabin crew, who gave me the emergency exit row, selecting me because she thought I would appreciate the legroom.

Despite this flight being late, the crew went out of their way to talk to passengers who were connecting in Reykjavik, and telling them where to go when we landed.

Read my review of my return trip with Icelandair below.

Best Train Journey

Do not be confused with this, I will explain, but it was my overnight train from Krakow to Pardubice.

This was last month, but on the exact same service that I had taken in my review mentioned above. The reason it is my favourite journey this time is because it was significantly better than my experience in the summer.

I had learned my lesson and printed out a ticket, brought a phone charger, and stocked up on drinks and snacks before departure. Plus rather than travelling with five strangers in my compartment, there was just me and one other person.

What Does 2024 Look Like?

In 2024 we will continue to post at least once a week, covering a range of different topics.

We will continue to release our News and Opinion pieces, as well as increasing our reviews, with an aim of increased UK based reviews.

In June and December we will have two sets of statistics breakdowns releasing, for winter 2023/2024 and summer 2024. These provide important context that some aviation enthusiasts can overlook.

With all of this in mind we hope to increase our total readership in 2024 by approximately 35%, taking us to 5,000 views in summer 2024.

We will also bring back out Magazine, releasing every three months, containing some of our favourite content, as well as some exclusive magazine only content.

Follow us on Twitter/X to keep up to date with the latest news, and find out when we post new content.

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